170 research outputs found

    Síndrome de burnout y engagement en trabajadores de un call center del distrito de Los Olivos, 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como fin determinar la relación entre síndrome de burnout y engagement en trabajadores de un call center del distrito de los olivos, 2021. Asimismo, el tipo de la investigación es descriptivo-correlacional, de diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. Por otro lado, se tuvo como muestra 116 colaboradores de un call center con edades entre 25 a 45 años. Así también, los instrumentos aplicados fueron el Inventario del síndrome de burnout de Maslach y Jackson (1996) y adaptado por Muñoz (2016) y la Escala de compromiso laboral de Salanova y Schaufeli (2004). Por otra parte, en los resultados se pudo notar que existe una correlación inversa y significativa débil entre síndrome de burnout y engagement ya que tuvo un valor de (Rho= -0,234). En los resultados descriptivos se pudo encontrar que existe un nivel alto de síndrome de burnout con el 38,8% y se pudo notar que existe un nivel medio de engagement con el 53,4%

    Estudio de la efectividad de un programa de intervención denominado “Sistema estructurado de entrenamiento en memoria. Método Gradior”, como un instrumento válido para la estimulación y el entrenamiento cognoscitivo en personas mayores.

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    [ES]OBJETIVO GENERAL El objetivo del presente trabajo es observar la mejora objetiva de las variables medidas pre y post tratamiento de un programa de intervención en memoria denominado "Sistema estructurado de entrenamiento en memoria. Método Gradior" y comprobar su eficacia como un instrumento válido para la estimulación y/o entrenamiento cognitivo de personas mayores. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS E HIPOTESIS Las hipótesis que se plantean en esta investigación están relacionadas con los objetivos planteados. A continuación se muestran las hipótesis nula y alternativa para cada uno de los objetivos. 1.- Para el objetivo nº 1: Conocer si la metodología aplicada produce cambios sobre el rendimiento cognitivo general de las personas mayores. Ho: No se observan cambios entre la puntuación media obtenida en la evaluación post-test con el test Mini-examen Cognoscitivo (MEC) y la puntuación media obtenida en la evaluación pre-test, a un nivel de significación del 0.05. 2.- Para el objetivo nº 2: Valorar si el programa de intervención mejora la capacidad de aprendizaje verbal. H0: No existen diferencias entre la puntuación media obtenida con el test Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised¿ (HVLT-R) entre el postest y el pre-test a un nivel de significación del 0,05. 3.- Para el objetivo nº 3: Estudiar si la metodología aplicada modifica la capacidad de atención y velocidad de procesamiento de la información. H0: No existen diferencias en la puntuación obtenida en el test Color Trail Test¿ (CCT), forma A, y en la puntuación obtenida en el subtest de dígitos de la Wechsler Memory Scale¿ (WMS-III) entre el post-test y el pre-test, a un nivel de significación del 0,05. 4.- Para el objetivo nº 4: Verificar si la metodología aplicada mejora la capacidad de flexibilidad cognitiva. H0: No existen diferencias entre la puntuación media obtenida en el Colors Trail Test (CCT), forma B entre el post-test y el pre-test, a un nivel de significación del 0,05. 5.- Para el objetivo nº 5: Identificar si el programa de intervención aplicado mantiene o mejora la capacidad de memoria auditiva de en las personas mayores. H0: No existen diferencias en la puntuación media obtenida en el subtest de textos de la Wechsler Memory Scale¿ (WMS-III), entre el post-test y el pre-test. 6.- Para el objetivo nº 6: Observar si la metodología aplicada produce cambios sobre las quejas de memoria manifestadas por la personas mayores. H0: No existen diferencias en la puntuación media obtenida en el Cuestionario de Memoria Subjetiva entre el post-test y el pre-test. METODOLOGIA El planteamiento de esta investigación surge ante la necesidad de dar una respuesta a la validación de la eficacia de un material y una metodología de trabajo diseñado como sistema de intervención cognoscitiva para el entrenamiento de la memoria en personas mayores sin deterioro cognitivo. Se ha utilizado la metodología del diseño experimental, con grupo control, con pretest y postest. Las medidas pre-test y post-test se han realizado mediante la aplicación de escalas clínicas validadas y se han registrado las puntuaciones obtenidas (variable dependiente) antes y después de la aplicación del tratamiento (variable independiente). Con el objeto de asegurar la validez de las hipótesis planteadas, se ha procedido al control de los aspectos relacionados con la validez externa e interna. La validez externa, cuyo objeto es el problema de la generalización de los resultados, queda asegurada por la representatividad de los sujetos y la forma de asignación de los mismos a cada uno de los grupos que conforman la muestra. Tanto el grupo experimental como el grupo control han sido evaluados con los mismos instrumentos antes y después de la aplicación del programa de intervención. Más adelante se describen cada uno de dichos instrumentos. En aquellos casos en los que existía, se ha utilizado formas paralelas del mismo instrumento, para aumentar la fiabilidad del mismo. En relación a la muestra, tanto el grupo control como el grupo experimental se consideraron equivalentes en una seria de variables, cumpliendo los criterios mínimos establecidos para la inclusión en el estudio. Dichas variables fueron la edad, la presencia de quejas de memoria, un MEC >25 y nivel mínimo de lectoescritura, con el objeto de constituir grupos homogéneos y como prueba de equivalencia inicial para evitar o controlar posibles variables extrañas que pudiesen influir en la investigación. En el capítulo dedicado a la muestra, se describen todos estos aspectos. Una vez formada la muestra de los sujetos, la incorporación de los sujetos a los grupos de investigación se realizó de forma aleatoria. A los sujetos se les incorporaba por orden de inscripción realizada, cuando se interesaron por el programa, al llamar por teléfono para participar en el taller de memoria. De esta forma se fue formando el grupo experimental y cuando se completaba el grupo, el resto de las personas pasaban a una lista de reserva; se les asignaba a una lista de espera, que funcionaba como grupo control, manteniendo en esta lista a los sujetos el mismo periodo temporal durante el cual, el grupo experimental estaba realizando el programa de intervención. La validez interna, que nos aseguraría hasta qué punto la variación observada en la variable dependiente ha sido causada por la variable independiente; se garantiza en base al diseño del estudio. Todos los sujetos del grupo de intervención han recibido el mismo tratamiento. Se ha controlado los contenidos de las sesiones cognitivas incorporadas y el orden de presentación, al igual que el tiempo de sesión. Se ha formado a los monitores que impartían los talleres en la metodología de intervención. Todos los monitores que intervinieron en la investigación recibieron la formación necesaria con la explicación y verificación de la capacidad para impartir los diferentes talleres. Las sesiones de impartición se celebraban en Zamora, bajo control de profesionales ya experimentados en la metodología. Se explicaban cada una de las sesiones del programa, los objetivos y materiales necesarios para su aplicación. Por otro lado, los profesionales que participaban en el proceso de evaluación, eran formados previamente. Para asegurar la correcta aplicación del protocolo se procedió a aplicar la técnica de fiabilidad inter-evaluadores. El registro de las observaciones pretendidas, se ha realizado de forma exhaustiva a través del protocolo de evaluación utilizado, que se describe más adelante (apartado de instrumentos de evaluación), con el objeto de recoger la mayor cantidad de información posible sobre las variables implicadas en las hipótesis que se han planteado en esta investigación. Todos los datos son recogidos en las hojas de respuesta del protocolo. Posteriormente para facilitar su análisis, fueron organizados y registrados en una base de datos informatizada, diseñada para tal fin. Una persona fue la encargada de introducir los datos, los cuales posteriormente se pasaron al paquete estadístico SPSS para su análisis estadístico y finalmente se presentaron los resultados mediante procedimientos gráficos. Durante el análisis estadístico se utilizó la prueba estadística "t" para muestras relacionadas, al existir dos momentos temporales, uno antes y otro después, utilizando las observaciones del primer periodo como control y ver los cambios que se suscitan al aplicar el programa de entrenamiento. El objetivo fue comparar las medias y sus desviaciones estándar y determinar si las diferencias eran significativas. CONCLUSIONES La finalidad de esta investigación ha sido validar un sistema estructurado de entrenamiento y material denominado "Sistema Estructurado de Entrenamiento en Memoria. Método Gradior" como metodología de aplicación en la intervención cognitiva en personas mayores. Para ello se realizaron varios programas de entrenamiento en Memoria en la Ciudad de Zamora y Valladolid, con la colaboración de los Ayuntamientos de ambas ciudades. Se plantearon una serie de objetivos e hipótesis de trabajo. A continuación se presenta las conclusiones obtenidas de esta investigación: ¿ El programa "Sistema Estructurado de Entrenamiento en Memoria. Método Gradior" resulta efectivo en el rendimiento cognitivo global de las personas mayores sin deterioro cognitivo, observándose un incremento gradual de su rendimiento durante el periodo de entrenamiento, mientras que el grupo control no modificó su puntuación. ¿ La capacidad de Aprendizaje Verbal se ha visto mejorada en los participantes del programa de entrenamiento, observándose un incremento en su capacidad de retención verbal una vez superado el periodo de entrenamiento. ¿ Se ha observado que la velocidad de procesamiento de la información no se ha visto modificada con la aplicación del programa, incluso se observa una leve mejoría pero no significativa. Sin embargo el grupo control que no participó en el entrenamiento tiene un peor rendimiento. En general, esta capacidad tiende al declive con la edad. ¿ La capacidad de concentración y atención ha mejorado durante el programa de entrenamiento en las personas mayores integrantes del grupo experimental, manifestando un incremento en su rendimiento. ¿ La capacidad de flexibilidad cognitiva no se ha visto incrementada con la aplicación del programa de entrenamiento. ¿ La capacidad de memoria auditiva ha mejorado en los participantes que han realizado el programa de entrenamiento. Se constata un aumento del rendimiento en las pruebas utilizadas, lo que puede significar un aprovechamiento de las estrategias mnemotécnicas aprendidas por los participantes para aplicarlas al aprendizaje de nueva información. ¿ No se observan cambios en las quejas de memoria asociada a la edad de los mayores participantes en el programa, pero sí se observa que el grupo control incrementó sus quejas de memoria. ¿ Se observa un decremento de las quejas referidas a aspectos relacionados con el estado de ánimo, la depresión, en el grupo que participó en el programa de entrenamiento. Se verifica que los participantes han mejorado su estado de ánimo, manifestando un decremento de aspectos negativos sobre el estado de ánimo y la depresión durante la estancia en el programa de entrenamiento. Este estudio ha permitido incluir una actividad de tratamiento cognitivo estructurado en diferentes Centros de Mayores de la Ciudad de Zamora y establecer una actividad regular entre los mayores, donde anteriormente no se realizaba de forma estructurada y continua este tipo de intervenciones. La implantación de actividades de estimulación cognitiva serias y estructuradas, basadas en los fundamentos de la neuropsicología, es una de las prioridades que se deben tener en cuenta en cualquier política de apoyo a las personas mayores a través de los centros de referencia para los mismos. Incluir estos programas dentro de las actividades que desde la propia comunidad se ofrece a los ciudadanos, mediante los centros de mayores, se considera un valor añadido que mejora la calidad de vida del propio ciudadano y de sus familiares.[EN]GENERAL PURPOSE The aim of this study is to observe the objective improvement of the measured variables before and after treatment of a memory intervention program called "Structured training system memory . Method Gradior" what test its effectiveness as a valid stimulation and / or elderly cognitive training tool . SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES AND HYPOTHESIS The hypotheses proposed in this research are related to the objectives. Then the null and alternative for each scenario are shown objectives . 1 - For the Objective 1 . Know if the methodology produces changes on overall cognitive performance of older people . Ho : No change between the mean score on the post -test with the Mini - examination (MMSE ) test and the average score on the pre - assessment test , a significance level of 0.05 was observed assessment . 2 - For the Objective 2 : . Assess whether the intervention program improves verbal learning. H0 : There is no difference between the average test score with Hopkins Verbal Learning Test -Revised ? ( HVLT -R) between the post-test and pre -test to a significance level of 0.05. . 3 - For Objective 3: To study whether the methodology modifies the capacity of attention and speed of information processing . H0 : There is no difference in the score on the test ? Color Trail Test (CST), form A, and the score on the subtest of the Wechsler digit ? Memory Scale (WMS -III ) between the post -test and pretest , at a significance level of 0.05 . . 4 - For Objective 4: Check if the applied methodology improves cognitive flexibility . H0 : There is no difference between the mean score on the Color Trail Test ( CST ) , form B between post -test and pre -test at a significance level of 0.05. 5 - For Objective 5: . Identify whether the intervention program applied maintains or improves auditory memory in older people . H0 : No difference in mean score on the subtest of the Wechsler texts ? Memory Scale (WMS -III) , between the post -test and pre -test. 6 - For the Objective 6 : . Observe applied methodology produces changes on memory complaints expressed by the elderly. H0 : No difference in mean score on the Subjective Memory Questionnaire between post -test and pre -test. METHODOLOGY The approach of this research arises from the need to respond to the validation of the effectiveness of a material and a working methodology designed as a system of cognitive intervention for memory training in older adults without cognitive impairment. We used the methodology of experimental design with control group with pretest and posttest . The pre -test and post -test measurements were performed by applying validated clinical scales and recorded the scores ( dependent variable) before and after application of the treatment ( independent variable). In order to ensure the validity of the hypotheses, we proceeded to control aspects of external and internal validity. External validity , whose object is the problem of generalization of the results is assured by the representativeness of the subjects and manner of their allocation to each of the groups in the sample. Both the experimental and the control group were evaluated with the same instruments before and after implementation of the intervention program . Later describe each of these instruments. In cases where there was , was used parallel forms of the same instrument , to increase reliability. Regarding the sample, both the control group and the experimental group were considered equivalent in a series of variables , they meet the minimum criteria for inclusion in the study. These variables were age , the presence of memory complaints a MEC > 25 and minimum level of literacy, in order to create homogeneous groups as evidence of initial equivalence to avoid or control potential extraneous variables that could influence the investigation . All these aspects are described in the chapter on the sample . Once formed the sample of subjects , the inclusion of subjects to research groups was performed randomly. The subjects were incorporated in order of registration on , when interest in the program , the call to participate in the workshop report . Thus was formed the experimental group and when the group was completed, the rest of the people went to a reserve , were assigned to a waiting list , which functioned as a control group , keeping this list to subjects the same time period during which the experimental group was conducting the intervention program . Internal validity , which would ensure us to what extent the observed variation in the dependent variable is caused by the independent variable ; guaranteed based on the study design. All subjects in the intervention group received the same treatment. Been controlled content incorporated cognitive sessions and the order of presentation , as the session time . He has trained monitors who taught workshops in the intervention methodology . All monitors involved in the investigation received the required training with the explanation and verification of the ability to deliver the workshops . The teaching sessions were held in Zamora, under control of experienced professionals in the methodology. He explained each of the program sessions , objectives and materials needed for your application. Moreover, the professionals involved in the evaluation process were preformed . To ensure the proper implementation of the protocol we applied the technique of inter-rater reliability. The registration of the alleged remarks , has performed extensively throughout the assessment protocol used , as described below ( section assessment tools ) in order to collect as much information as possible about the variables involved in hypotheses that have been raised in this research. All data are collected in the answer sheets of the protocol. Subsequently to facilitate analysis , were organized and registered in a computer database designed for this purpose. One person was responsible for entering the data, which is then passed to SPSS for statistical analysis and finally the results were presented by graphical methods. For statistical analysis the statistical test ¿t what for related samples to be two time points , one before and one after , was used using observations of the first period as a control and see the changes that arise in implementing the training program . The objective was to compare the means and standard deviations and determine whether the differences were significant. CONCLUSIONS The purpose of this research was to validate a structured training and material called "Structured Training System Memory system. Method Gradior" how application methodology in cognitive intervention in older people. To do various training programs were conducted in Memorial City Zamora and Valladolid, with the collaboration of the municipalities of both cities. A number of objectives and working hypotheses were raised . The conclusions drawn from this research is presented below: Does the program " Structured Training System Memory". Gradior Method is effective in global cognitive performance of older persons without cognitive impairment , showing a gradual increase in their performance during the training period , while the control group did not change their score . Is the capacity of Verbal Learning has been enhanced in participants of the training program , with an increase in their ability to verbal retention once the training period exceeded . Have you noticed that the speed of information processing has not been modified with the program, even a slight but not significant improvement is observed. However, the control group that did not participate in training has a worse performance. In general , this ability tends to decline with age. The ability to focus and care has improved during the training program in the elderly members of the experimental group , showing an increase in performance. Is the capacity of cognitive flexibility has not been increased with the implementation of the training program . Does auditory memory capacity has improved in participants who have completed the training program. Increased performance in tests used notes , which can mean a use of mnemonic strategies learned by the participants to apply the learning of new information. Do not observe changes in memory complaints associated with the age of the older participants in the program , but it is noted that the control group increased their memory complaints . Does a decrease in complaints concerning aspects of mood in the group who participated in the training program is observed depression . It is verified that participants improved their mood , showing a decrease of negatives about mood and depression during the stay in the training program . This study has included an activity structured cognitive therapy in different Senior Centers City Zamora and establish a regular activity among the elderly, which previously was not done in a structured and continuous manner such interventions . The implementation of activities of serious and structured cognitive stimulation, based on the foundations of neuropsychology , is one of the priorities to be taken into account in any policy of support for older people through the centers for them. Include these programs within the activities that the community provides to citizens through senior centers , it is considered an added value that improves the quality of life of the citizen and their families

    A computational comparison of several formulations for the multi-period incremental service facility location problem

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    The Multi-period Incremental Service Facility Location Problem, which was recently introduced, is a strategic problem for timing the location of facilities and the assignment of customers to facilities in a multi-period environment. Aiming at finding the strongest formulation for this problem, in this work we study three alternative formulations based on the so-called impulse variables and step variables. To this end, an extensive computational comparison is performed. As a conclusion, the hybrid impulse–step formulation provides better computational results than any of the other two formulations

    Intergenerational entrepreneurship to foster sustainable development: A methodological training proposal

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    Intergenerational entrepreneurial initiatives are aimed at addressing the needs and opportunities of certain social groups and have the potential of becoming successful business projects. Moreover, they are a key to undertake sustainability practices that may represent a competitive advantage for the companies and an example to imitate when creating businesses. The objective of the study is to propose an intergenerational training methodology so that young people and seniors can create companies together, generating social cohesion and sustainable development in response to generational challenges. Intergenerational entrepreneurship seems to be a novel research area, especially when referring to developing methodologies of collaborative entrepreneurship projects. For this purpose, our literature review focuses on, first, the matching theories and experiences applied for intergenerational cooperation; then, literature about training methodologies for entrepreneurship is reviewed; finally, the main theories on training skills for entrepreneurship are approached. Focus groups were conducted as they serve as the main sources of data and are very appropriate for the generation of new ideas within a social context. In general, results show that, for achieving a successful intergenerational cooperation, some specific training is needed for both generations. This paper is a starting point for future research approaching intergenerational entrepreneurship, or entrepreneurial initiatives with singular characteristics, such as rural contexts or people with disabilitiesThis research was funded by IVI project (2018-1-FR01-KA204-047946). Erasmus+ Key Action 204, funded with support from the European Commissio

    Are there differences and complementarities between senior and young entrepreneurs? An intergenerational perspective

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    Social exclusion related to the unemployment of vulnerable population groups constitutes a crucial limitation to achieving a sustainable world. In particular, young and senior populations have specific characteristics that put them at risk of exclusion from the labor market. This circumstance has motivated an attempt to foster cooperation between these age groups to enable them to develop entrepreneurial initiatives that will contribute to close this social vulnerability gap. We approach this topic by focusing on intergenerational entrepreneurship, understood as entrepreneuring projects jointly undertaken by seniors and young adults. The objective of this study was to identify the differences and complementarities between senior and young entrepreneurs with a view to enabling them to develop viable intergenerational entrepreneurial projects, with special emphasis in the motivational push, pull, and blocking factors that affect them. This kind of entrepreneurial initiative fosters knowledge transfer and experience between age groups, promotes job creation and social inclusion, improves a sense of belonging, and, thus, contributes to the construction of a stronger society serving as an engine for sustainable development. Therefore, intergenerational entrepreneurship can be considered a form of social innovation. A mixed-methods approach was utilized in this study, using quantitative data from a questionnaire as a starting point for the characterization and identification of senior and young entrepreneurial profiles, and qualitative data from focus groups, which enabled us to identify complementarities among generations. The results show that there are significant differences between youths and seniors in terms of the motivations and factors that push, pull, or block the decision to form an intergenerational entrepreneurial partnership. These differences can be interpreted as complementarities that can boost intergenerational cooperation to promote social inclusion.This research was funded by IVI project (2018-1-FR01-KA204-047946). Erasmus+ Key Action 204, funded with support from the European Commissio

    Hydro-physical responses of gypseous and non-gypseous soils to livestock grazing in a semi-arid region of NE Spain

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    20 Pag., 4 Figs., 1 Tabl. The definitive version is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03783774Pasture productivity depends on soil hydro-physical properties, which in turn are deeply affected by livestock grazing. However, the comparative response of different soil types, and particularly gypseous soil types, to grazing has hardly been studied before. This paper compares the effect of grazing on the soil hydro-physical properties of silty gypseous (Gy) and non-gypseous (NGy) soils located in a semi-arid region (Middle Ebro Valley, NE, Spain). Two different soil managements were selected: ungrazed natural shrubland (N) and grazed shrubland (GR) soils. The gypsum, CaCO3 and organic matter content (OM), soil texture, soil bulk density ( b), penetration resistance (PR), saturated sorptivity (S), hydraulic conductivity (K), and the water retention curve (WRC) for undisturbed soil samples from 1 to 10 cm depth soil layer were measured. The b and PR in NGy soils were significantly higher than those observed in the Gy ones. Soil compaction due to grazing treatment tended to increase b and decrease the K and S values. While no differences in PR were observed in the Gy soils between grazing treatments, the PR measured in the NGy soils under GR was significantly higher than the corresponding values observed under N. Differences in K and S between GR and N treatments were only significant (p < 0.05) in NGy soils, where K and S values under the N treatment were almost four times greater than the corresponding values measured under GR. Overall, no differences in the WRCs were observed between soil types and grazing treatments. While the WRCs of NGy soils were not significantly affected by the grazing treatment, Gy soils under N treatment present a significantly higher level of soil macropores than under GR treatment. The hydro-physical features of Gy soils tended to be less affected by grazing than those of the NGy soils. These results suggest that livestock grazing, in both Gy and NGy soils, has a negative effect on the physical soil properties, which should be taken into account by land managers of these semi-arid regions where silty gypseous and non-gypseous areas coexist.This research was supported by Aragón regional government and La Caixa (Grants: GA-LC020/2010; GA-LC-010/2008) and the CSIC (Grant: PIE-200930I145).Peer reviewe

    Data to define educational politicies and formation for employement in function of psychosocial characteristics of youths

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    El presente trabajo pretende estudiar el perfil psicosocial de los jóvenes andaluces en función de su estatus laboral, se consideran tanto parados como ocupados con edades entre los 16 y los 24 años y de ambos sexos. Tras la realización de un análisis multivariante los datos muestran que, en efecto, existen dos perfiles psicosociales claramente diferenciados en función del estatus laboral. Los ocupados tienen mayores puntuaciones en el autoconcepto profesional y los parados en el estilo de búsqueda de empleo basado en la espera activa.The present work seeks to study the psychosocial profile of the Andalusian youths in function of its labor status; they are considered so much unemployed as employed with ages between 16 and 24, males and females. After making a multivariate analysis the data show that, in fact, it exist two psychosocial profiles clearly differed in function of the labor status. The employed ones get higher punctuations in the professional autoconcept and the unemployed ones get higher punctuation in the style of employment searching based on the active wait

    Plan de intervención fisioterápico en el tratamiento de lumbalgia crónica. A propósito de un caso

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    La lumbalgia es una dolencia muy extendida en la actualidad, tratándose de la segunda causa de dolor crónico. Es probable, que más que la lesión anatomopatológica subyacente haya factores biopsicosociales, es decir, una determinada conducta y repercusión biopsicocultural del dolor lumbar, por lo que, en su tratamiento, resulta fundamental el abordaje multidisciplinar y la combinación de estrategias físicas y cognitivos-conductuales, de esta manera el paciente recibe tratamiento pasivo del fisioterapeuta y se le dan herramientas para que participe de manera activa y directa sobre su salud.<br /

    SIMBA: a simulator for business education and research

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    Business simulators are used for decision-making since different scenarios can be evaluated without risk. They are also used in business management education. The main goal of this paper is to introduce SIMBA (SIMulator for Business Administration), a new simulator that serves as a web-based platform for business education, permitting both classroom and distance education. This paper also adds a research aspect in business intelligence because SIMBA can be used as a fieldwork tool for the development and evaluation of intelligent agents. The simulator creates a more complex competitive environment in which intelligent agents play the role of business decision makers.This work has been partially sponsored by a regional project CCG08-UC3M/TIC-4141 of the Comunidad de Madrid, a national project TIN2008-06701-C03-03 of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain and a contract with Simuladores Empresariales S.L.Publicad

    Potential of Cu–saponite catalysts for soot combustion

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    H– and Na–saponite supports have been prepared by several synthesis approaches. 5% Cu/saponite catalysts have been prepared and tested for soot combustion in a NOx + O2 + N2 gas flow and with soot and catalyst mixed in loose contact mode. XRD, FT-IR, N2 adsorption and TEM characterization results revealed that the use of either surfactant or microwaves during the synthesis led to delamination of the saponite support, yielding high surface area and small crystallite size materials. The degree of delamination affected further copper oxide dispersion and soot combustion capacity of the Cu/saponite catalysts. All Cu/saponite catalysts were active for soot combustion, and the NO2-assisted mechanism seemed to prevail. The best activity was achieved with copper oxide supported on a Na–saponite prepared at pH 13 and with surfactant. This best activity was attributed to the efficient copper oxide dispersion on the high surface area delaminated saponite (603 m2 g−1) and to the presence of Na. Copper oxide reduction in H2-TPR experiments occurred at lower temperature for the Na-containing catalysts than for the H-containing counterparts, and all Cu/Na–saponite catalysts were more active for soot combustion than the corresponding Cu/H–saponite catalysts.The financial support of Generalitat Valenciana (Project PROMETEOII/2014/010), Catalan Government (2014SGR1146), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Projects CTQ2012-30703 and CTQ2011-24610) and UE (FEDER funding) is acknowledged